Mom Bible study in El Paso Texas. MomCo, MOPS meeting, mom ministry, moms of preschoolers

A place for moms to connect

Mom Cafe is a Bible study open to moms of all ages!

We want to encourage and support women who are at all stages of motherhood! Please join us for a time to relax, have fun, and grow in Biblical fellowship as we study God's Word together.

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month

9 am-11 am

The Green Room (Map below)

Childcare is available, but limited. Please help us prepare for you by registering below.  For more information, contact us here.

2024 meeting Dates (Fall)

Sep 5 & 19

Oct & 17

Nov 7 & 21

Dec 5 & 19

Additional Information


Use Kids/Courtyard Entrance by West Parking Lot

SBC Mom Cafe Map


If you or your child are feeling sick, we kindly ask that you stay home until symptoms resolve.

Please check out our guidelines for our childcare regarding sicknesses.

Sickness Guidelines


Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

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