Encountering Jesus. Equipping Disciples. Engaging Community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to guide people to encounter the transforming love of Jesus Christ and equip them with Biblical knowledge, accountability, and discipleship so that we can lovingly engage our communities together with the Gospel of Christ.

our objectives


  • Reviving people’s hearts and minds with teachings that are Biblically based and gospel-centered, focused on the truth of who Jesus is and the hope that we have in Him as our Savior.   

  • Worshiping God fully, through music, giving, communion and service.

  • Loving unconditionally, showing the world that we are God's disciples by the love we have for one another. (John 13:34-35)


  • Applying the perfect Truth of the Bible as our guide for life, our work, and our relationships.

  • Connecting people to Biblically-centered Community groups, where they can deepen their understanding of God and flourish in their faith. 

  • Encouraging the formation of Core groups that allow people to hold each other accountable to spiritually healthy habits and goals. 


  • Seeking the peace and prosperity of the city we have been called to. (Jeremiah 29:7)

  • Creating a welcoming and engaging community that allows people to ask questions and work through their faith.

  • Providing opportunities for each of us to serve our neighbors and friends within our circles of influence. 
  • Empowering each member of our congregation to become a conduit for the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We want to know you!

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